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Rassegna stampa Family Travels - Viaggio alla riscoperta dell’Italia degli anni Cinquanta

Varesenews (5 novembre e 12 agosto 2020)

GR Lombardia (20/08/2020, edizione delle 12.10 dal minuto 10.41 / da -4:07 a -2:55)

TGR Lombardia (20/08/2020, edizione delle 14:00 dal minuto 13.25 / da -5.48 a -4.18)

Il Giorno (21 agosto 2020)

Il Secolo XIX (29 agosto 2020)

RAI TGR Lombardia 

Podcast Radio 24 (8 novembre 2020)

Sempionenews (9 novembre 2020)

Periodici locali. Alto varesotto

Censimento periodici locali: Alto Varesotto (1860-1950)

Avvenire del lago
Avvenire del Verbano
Corriere del popolo
Corriere del Verbano
Foglio volante
Pescatore del Verbano

La digitalizzazione di alcune testate è disponibile sul sito dell'Emeroteca Digitale della Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense.


0096 01 s monte coloriThe International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversities (created in July 1999) aims at promotion and research concerning local histories and cultures, with particular attention to methodology and the critical study of sources.
A remarkable work has been carried out in the field of electronic editing of medieval documents concerning the territory of Varese and Como (with a contribution to the project by Regione Lombardia “Digital diplomatic code of Western Lombardy”).
Other two main points of interest have regarded the activity of editing and inventoring historical sources and of bibliographical research, essential instruments both to start any scientifically-based study and make up for the lacking and sometimes uncertain historical sources and publications concerning the Lombard Prealps.
Furthermore, it organises seminars, specialization courses and study meetings, both at a national and international level. It often collaborates with public and private institutions and scientific associations operating in similar fields, in order to support the sharing and diffusion of historical knowledge.

At the head of the Center is prof. Renzo Dionigi, former Rector of the University, while the scientific director is prof. Gianmarco Gaspari (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria).

0082 01 laco di luganoIn these years, the Center has mainly devoted itself to two aspects: didactics and research.
As far as didactics is concerned, the Center organized some master courses addressed to specialists, teachers, museum managers, tourist and cultural operators, about document sources, resources and methodology for carrying out and writing local history.

Data bases (banche dati)
Well-known inhabitants of Varese (XI – XXI centuries)
Historical bibliography of Varese and Como
Subject catalogue of articles about Regio Insubria
Varese parchments
Stone Cutters Marks

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Galleria fotografica mostra "Stagioni dell'Arte a Varese. Ritratti di Vivi Papi"

Foto di Enrico Bernasconi

Le nostre sedi

Viale G.B. Vico, 46 - Varese
c/o Villa Toeplitz (località Sant'Ambrogio)

Via Piave, 11 - Varese