Online monographs catalog


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Monographies are divided into various sections, among which: Varese (with a specific section for Sacro Monte), Como, Milan and the lake area. There are also editions of sources, series on medieval, modern and contemporary history, as well as volumes on linguistics and toponymy. The catalog is online, on the Library page:, and through the University Libraries portal, InsuBRE:

Enter one or more keywords; you can use the AND, OR, NOT operators to refine your search. E.g., if you are looking for a book on Sacro Monte, enter Sacro AND Monte. In the advanced search, you can select the fields where to search, if necessary. Using the * symbol, you can search by word root. E.g., if you enter Vares*, results will be found containing both the word Varese and varesino/a. Once the search is done, on the right side you can filter the results, selecting, for example, the IRCLH Library.




The library mainly holds periodicals pertaining to the territory of Varese, Como, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and the Canton of Ticino, such as:

  • “Archivio Storico Lombardo” 1875-2005
  • “Calandari d’ra Famiglia Bosina” 1956-2017
  • “La Cava. Vicende, personaggi, storia del territorio malnatese” 1994-2018
  • “Loci Travaliae” 1992-2020
  • “Il Nostro Sacro Monte” 1994-
  • “Periodico della Società Storica Comense” 1878-2000
  • “Archivio della Società Storica Varesina” 1931- 1933 e “Rivista della Società Storica Varesina” 1953- (also available on the website in pdf format up to issue XIII - aprile 1977)
  • “Il Rondò. Almanacco di Luino e dintorni” 1989 -2015
  • “Sibrium” 1953-2018
  • “Società storica per la provincia e antica diocesi di Como” 1878-1879
  • “Terra e Gente. Appunti e storie di lago e di montagna” 1996-2020
  • “Tracce. Rivista trimestrale [poi mensile] di Storia e Cultura del Territorio Varesino” 1° serie 1980-1994 e 2° serie 1996-2002
  • “Verbanus. Rassegna per la cultura l’arte la storia del lago” 1979-2015

Please mind that gaps are possible. A complete list of available periodicals, with detailed issues, can be found on the Library page of the website: