The library room inside villa Toeplitz
State University of Insubria
Library of the International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversities
Address: viale G.B. Vico, 46 (Villa Toeplitz) - 21100 Varese (Italy)
Consultation only by appointment
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. 0332 219800 - 219802
Some volumes are in a depot in other location, and will be made available within a week from the request
Further information
In addition to bibliographic and documentary material useful for research in historical disciplines, the Library of the International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural houses a collection of volumes, manifestos and articles related to the birth and spread of the Futurist Movement.
Compared to the other libraries of the University of Insubria’s Library System, it has autonomous articulation and services. Due to its specific peculiarities, the Library does not provide support services for institutional didactic activities. All scholars interested in consulting the bibliographic material are therefore admitted to it, but with certain limitations concerning access mode and services provided.
Provided services:
- onsite consultation
- bibliografic information
- document delivery
- other libraries and archives reference
Services not currently provided:
- home loan
- interlibrary loan
- reproduction of documents
Digitized periodicals
- "Archivio della Società Storica Varesina" 1931-1933 e "Rivista della Società Storica Varesina" 1953 - 1977
- “Domenica. Vent'anni di idee. Il Sole 24ore” 1983-2003
- "La fame" () [verificare cd Vt_1, contenitore 4]
- “Insubria. Rivista dei laghi” dicembre 1924 – dicembre 1950
- “Luce” (-) [verificare dvd VT_1, contenitore 2]
- “Il maglio. Giornale settimanale degli ex-combattenti e smobilitati” (1929-) [verificare dvd Vt_1, contenitore 4]
- “Poesia: rassegna internazionale” 1905-1909
- “La Prealpina”, “Cronaca prealpina” maggio-dicembre 1926 e “Corriere prealpino” () [verificare DISCO ESTERNO 05]
- “La voce nel deserto” gennaio-ottobre 1852